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Four's & Five's Afternoon Program
Need an afternoon for your child to learn, play and grow? We can help.
1:00pm - 3:30pm
​Cost $510.00
5 Days a week
1:00 pm - 3:30
Cost $850.00
**Additional lunch program 12:00-1:00 not included in fee's
Additional two afternoons (Tues and Thursday's) offered to families already registered in the MON/WED/FRI programs!
**Lunch Program available from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Lunch program fees are not included in the registration fees, additional donations would apply. A donation of $7.50/per day would apply.
Lunch is not provided. Children bring their own packed nut fee lunch.
Lunch Program Cost for the School Year
2 days a week $510.00
3 days a week, $765.00
5 days a week, $1275.00
We will be offering a lunch program to children who would like to attend from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Lunch program fees are not included in the registration fees.
Pick up available from Ecole Tuxedo Park School at 11:45am!
Children should be toilet trained.
For more detail see our Curriculum Statement
Please review our Parents section for policies.
The following ‘Getting Ready for School A Parents Guide’ is published by Healthy Child Manitoba (http://www.gov.mb.ca/healthychild/edi/gettingreadyforschool.pdf)
Questions, please contact us at preschool@tuxedocc.ca.