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Moms. Dads. & Twos. Program. 

Wednesday (separation) 9:15am - 10:45am or Thursday (participation) 9:00am - 10:30am

In order to run this program we do require a minimum number of participants

Cost $490


Twos First Separated Experience


  • Introduce your child to his/her first "separated" preschool experience


  • This program is the best of both participation and separation. Parents/guardian will participate along side their child for the first part of the program and then invited to go upstairs and relax in our preschool lounge with the other caregivers. 


  • They will learn to play and enjoy other children in a safe and fun environment.​


  • The program is lead by a qualified Educator and an assistant who will organize weekly themes, crafts and songs for each session.


  • Toys will be rotated throughout the year for exploration during free play time to ensure your child has a positive and enjoyable experience.


  • Parents or guardians MUST remain in the building during the entire class.​​



  • Your child must be two by the end of the registration year.


Twos Parent Participation


  • In this program, the parent or guardian remains in the classroom and participates with the child during the entire class


  • Children will learn to play and enjoy other children in a safe and fun environment


  • The program is facilitated by a qualified Educator who will organize weekly themes, crafts and songs for each session.


  • Toys will be rotated throughout the year for exploration during free play time to ensure your child has a positive and enjoyable experience.​​


  • Please review our Parents section for policies.


  • Your child must be two by the end of the registration year.

Our Preschool is located in the tranquil neighbourhood of Tuxedo and serves communities including River Heights, St. James, Westwood, Lindenwoods, Whyte Ridge and more.


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