Mad Science Summer Camps - Tuxedo Community Centre
Secret Agent Lab - 2022 Camp
The Mad Science Spy academy is in session! From decoding messages to metal detectors and night vision, children will have the opportunity to check out spy equipment and even create there own edible messages! They will use the Secret Code Breaker to communicate in code, like real spies.
Extreme Science - 2022 Camp
Here at Mad Science we’re looking forward to bringing back our original Rocket Science camp. This is the camp that made summer an exciting time for our budding Mad Scientists. Each day has its own theme from Heat (with humongous solar balloon to solar ovens to cotton candy) to Ice (of course Dry Ice and to top it off we make ice-cream without a machine!) and Bugs; join us on a bug safari and the campers design a bug habitat. And on the final day we have a spectacular rocket launch...parents welcome. In addition, each camper will make his/her own rocket to take home and launch! (Under supervision, of course.)
We are doing the following camps:
July 4 – 8 – Secret Agent Lab (9:00am-4:00pm)
​July 25 – July 29 – Extreme Science (9:00am-4:00pm)
​August 8 – 12 – Secret Agent Lab (9:00am- 4:00pm)
August 29 - Sept 2 - Extreme Science (9:00am- 4:00pm)
To find out more or register please click the link below.